Peer Review

Peer Review Services

The Support Voucher Scheme

This service closed on 1st April 2023.

Peer Reviewer training & accreditation

We operate the scheme originally developed by NHSP.

The course aims to prepare prospective peer reviewers to fulfil their role to the standards described by the relevant BSA guidance documents.

Learning outcomes: At the end of the course, the peer reviewer will be able to:
1. Describe the national and local policies for conducting external ABR peer reviews.
2. Identify errors of ABR test parameters, procedure, interpretation and case management.
3. Deliver case-specific constructive feedback to the tester.
4. Describe the requirements for ongoing moderation of ABR peer reviewers.

The course uses a carefully selected set of real newborn ABR cases in which there are issues of test strategy, interpretation, reporting or future management.

Five discharge and 5 non-discharge ABR cases must be reviewed to a satisfactory standard to achieve accreditation.

Feedback is given on review shortcomings.

The training is undertaken by email and must be completed within 1 year. The current cost is £600. VAT applies from 1st May 2024.

Peer Reviewer periodic moderation

Accredited peer reviewers should have their reviews moderated every 2-3 years, to ensure maintainence of standards. We would be happy to provide this service, which provides a confidential report to the reviewer, highlighting areas in which their reviews could be improved. The cost is £100. VAT does not apply.

Other Services

We hope to be able to offer non-peer review technical advice (i.e. not relating to specific cases) without charge. This may include manufacturer-independent general technical advice, guidance on calibration, clarification of NHSP ABR guidelines and tools (e.g. the noise calculator).

Legal Stuff: ERA Training & Consultancy Ltd (ERATC), its Division ABR Peer Review, Directors and Consultants working on their behalf offer advice, peer review services and guidance in good faith and intended to reflect best clinical practice, based on current BSA or NHSP national guidance. However the responsibility for the correct diagnosis and management of individual patients must remain with the NHS Trust in which they were seen. ERATC can accept no responsibility for any errors of diagnosis or management of patients resulting from advice given by them or on their behalf.